Attack Truck 704

Truck Number – 704
Truck Type – Brush/Attack Truck
Year Built – 1976
Truck Make – Chevy K20
Truck Model – 1 ton 4×4
Body Make – Custom Deluxe
Seated Positions – 2
Pump – 350 GPM
Tank- 300 gallons
Truck Use and History:
This pickup was put into service in 1976 as the first attack truck built for the city of Colo and rural townships. The original color of the truck was canary yellow. In the early 90’s it was refurbished with a fresh coat of red paint, as well as, a new stainless steel tank with a 18 HP Briggs & Stratton Hale pump. All of the upgrades were done by past or current members. Local businesses also contributed towards new upholstery that was installed. The tank on this truck carries 275 gallons of water and 10 gallons of foam. The main purpose for this truck is to go off-road to fight fires in fields and remote or wooded areas that cannot be accessed by the larger trucks.