Tanker 504

Truck Number – 504
Truck Type – Tanker/Water Tender
Year Built – 2012
Truck Make – International
Truck Model – Navistar 4400
Body Make – Toyne
Seated Positions – 2
Pump – 350 GPM
Tank – 1500 Gallon
Truck Use and History:
This truck is a tanker that was originally built for Colo Fire in 1988. It was installed on a used 1984 GMC by Toyne in Breda, Iowa. In 2012 this body was remounted on a newer 2002 International chassis to upgrade the truck for safer operation. The upgrades included air brakes, an automatic transmission and was converted from a gas engine to a more powerful and more efficient diesel engine. It is equipped with a 1500 gallon port-a-tank that can hold 1500 gallons of water. The main use for this truck is to shuttle water from a hydrant to the fire scene. It also has a gas powered 350 GPM pump that can be used to fill other trucks or be used in other fire fighting situations.